Welcome to My Online Comics!
Welcome to my collection of online comics! I've been doing comics for the web off and on, (mostly off) ever since I went online back in 1997. I will be putting together most of that stuff here, along with some I initially created for print but decided to share online as well.
This is the page that will always be on top of this blog, which will be updated with links newly uploaded pages. Stay tuned!

Johnny Balbona: SINTUNADATOR!

Written and colored by Gerry Alanguilan, Illustrated by Johnny Danganan

JOHNNY BALBONA: The Repudiator!
Johnny goes online. In color! Only the first of Johnny's misadventures to be uploaded here!

Last Meow
My very first online comic strip.
"Good strip, Gerry. Very straightforward and convincing." -Scott Mcloud, Comicon.com Panels, 2000

A strip I did back in 2007 depicting a lifelong thing I've been experiencing. I thought I'd put it down in to comic book form, as I would normally do with extremely personal stuff.

I used to own a dalmatian. I loved that dog.

The graphic novel that started it all for me. You can read it entirely online for free in that link!
This is the page that will always be on top of this blog, which will be updated with links newly uploaded pages. Stay tuned!

Johnny Balbona: SINTUNADATOR!

Written and colored by Gerry Alanguilan, Illustrated by Johnny Danganan

JOHNNY BALBONA: The Repudiator!
Johnny goes online. In color! Only the first of Johnny's misadventures to be uploaded here!

Last Meow
My very first online comic strip.
"Good strip, Gerry. Very straightforward and convincing." -Scott Mcloud, Comicon.com Panels, 2000

A strip I did back in 2007 depicting a lifelong thing I've been experiencing. I thought I'd put it down in to comic book form, as I would normally do with extremely personal stuff.

I used to own a dalmatian. I loved that dog.

The graphic novel that started it all for me. You can read it entirely online for free in that link!